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Rev. Scott M. MacDonald, Pastor

Born and raised outside of Boston, Massachusetts, Rev. Scott M. MacDonald worked for various human service agencies over many years in the south shore area. He also spent time in foreign missions work in Mexico while gaining Spanish speaking skills there. Pastor MacDonald graduated from Bridgewater State College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Arts and a minor in Social Work.

He was a member of St. James Lutheran Church in Canton, Massachusetts before entering Concordia Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri in 1998. After completing two years of studies he was assigned a year of vicarage (internship) at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in New Hartford, Connecticut, under Rev. Timothy Yeadon. After returning for a final year of seminary training he received  the Master of Divinity degree in the spring of 2002. He was ordained at his home church in Canton, Massachusetts in June of that year and then installed as Pastor of First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Odenton, Maryland.

In the spring of 2016, after serving for fourteen years in Maryland, Pastor accepted a call from Saint John Lutheran Church in Meriden, Connecticut and was installed as Pastor in May of that year. He and his family now make their home in Middlefield, Connecticut. 


Matthew Bartlett, Director of Music and Office Manager

Matthew W. Bartlett was born and raised in Meriden, Connecticut.   He graduated from Western Connecticut State University with a Bachelors in Music for Organ Performance and a minor in History.  He has been playing the piano since the age of four and took up the pipe organ when he was fifteen.  He has served many churches throughout the state as a Director of Music.  As an organist, he has performed around parts of Europe including Amsterdam, Vienna, and Paris. 


He also holds a Masters in Military History with a concentration on the American Civil War.  When he is not spending his time as a Director of Music, he lectures around the state on the subject of espionage in the American Civil War, where he and his wife impersonate early Pinkerton agents.  Mr. Bartlett is also an author: he has written a number of non-fiction books as well as a novel.

Current Officers

President - Marcia Gregory

Vice President - Cathy Poulin

Treasurer - Cissy Kulakowski

Financial Secretary - Kathryn Chester

Recording Secretary - Kathryn Chester






Current Board/Committee Chairs

Elders - Paul Patnoad

Deacons - Gary Poulin

Evangelism - Faith Twining

Property - Vacant

Budget Committee - Carl Vensel

Financial Review Committee - Carl Vensel

Nominating Committee - Vacant

Sunday School - Ellen Ness

Fundraising - Les Zimmerman

Cemetery Committee- Les Zimmerman

Preschool - Cissy Kulakowski

Edwin Rabe Fund - Ron Ness

Altar Guild - Donna Dlugos


Saint John Lutheran Church
and Preschool

520 Paddock Avenue 

Meriden, CT 06450

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To Contact the Church:

call  203-238-2331 or use the contact form to the right




To Email Directly:

Matthew Bartlett Office Manager

Pastor Scott MacDonald



To Contact the Preschool call: 203-630-3997

Marianne Mastriano, Director

or through our Facebook page:


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