God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.- John 4:24
What we do in worship informs how we live. There is an ancient maxim in Latin that came to be used in the church that truly shows the relation of worship, faith and life. It is “Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi,” literally, “As we worship so we believe!” How we worship informs how (and what) we believe for as we worship in Spirit and the truth of God’s word so we believe and grow in his grace.
It can also be understood this way, the way we worship is the way of faith. How we worship informs how (and what) we believe and also how we live! For our faith informs worshipping and our living! This is why we come into his presence with reverence! This is a matter of faith! For there our God speaks and acts on our behalf. Yes, faith effects how we worship our God. So as the Lord did in the book of Acts may he cause us to remain devoted to his teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers!
Christian worship is your response in faith to God and his grace. It gives a daily pattern for life and living in all you say and do in faith. In this Lenten time let us all make good use of the additional service offerings available. Let us devote ourselves to worship in Spirit and truth! For the way we worship is the way of faith…and the way of life!