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Grace and Peace in Abundance!

"May grace and peace be multiplied to you." - 1 Peter 1:2

St. Peter gives this wish that is also a blessing: “May grace and peace be multiplied to you.” This is the blessing of God who alone gives grace and peace! What’s more God doesn’t ration his gifts…They cannot be measured. In him both grace and peace are multiplied! God gives his grace, that is, the forgiveness of our sins freely received. As a result we are granted to live in his peace each day that is the knowledge of him in our lives. His grace is the true gift that still gives! His peace is not like “the pace” the world keeps! Not as the world gives does Jesus give his peace to you and to me!

Isn't this the true reason for the season that we would come to the Lord with our sins, with our so often chaotic and frenzied lives particularly in this season? In faith let us seek the Prince of all Peace! To that end, will you join us where God’s grace and peace are shared in abundance each week? Let us celebrate together the Nativity of our Lord on Christmas Eve this year at 5pm. Christmas Day, a Sunday this year, has its own offering. We will share a special morning service that day at 10am. Let us gather in his Name and receive together his grace and peace!

Jesus once spoke of the things that make for peace and he did so with a note of regret for those coming short of it…As his people called by his Name we are privileged to be on the receiving end of our God's gifts, as he enlivens us by those gifts to his praise always! May God grant to us this season and through the entire season of life those things he gives that make for our peace.

May grace and peace be multiplied to you always!


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