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Lenten Repentance

During the season of Lent, we reflect on our human weakness and sinfulness before our holy God. It is a time to face more seriously our own mortality and sin before him. For many centuries a part of the traditional liturgy for Ash Wednesday has been the Imposition of Ashes. In Biblical times ashes were a symbol of the sinful soul and of turning to God in repentance. In those times dust or ashes would be applied to the body as a sign of this turning away from sin.

Ash Wednesday is February 14th this year. We will offer both a 3pm and 7pm service. As we come forward to receive ashes during the service, we are reminded of our fallen state that will one day pass away and of our continual need for the Savior’s grace. During this Lenten season Confession and Absolution will be offered. God promises to forgive his people as they repent and confess their sin in faith. There are times when personal Confession to another can be comforting and necessary. Pastor is available anytime to meet personally for a time of Confession. However, a time will be set aside for private Confession and Absolution in the church sanctuary on Saturdays, March 2nd, and March 23rd from 1-3pm.

Finally, on Sunday evenings during Lent brief Devotional Services will be offered in the St. John Chapel at 4pm. All of this is offered to our members at St. John that we may be refreshed in matters of faith together. The Lord bless us as we seek our Savior during this season of Lenten repentance!


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