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People of the Book!

Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation - if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. -1 Peter 2:2,3

We are people of the book. The holy scriptures are the collection of 66 books from various centuries and languages gathered into one volume or book that we call our bible. God’s words as recorded in these pages are not mere information. They are guides for life in that they ultimately lead us to Jesus who is eternal life himself! We are indeed people of the book!

As we gather in worship God’s word is prominent. To display the honor we hold for God’s word a book of scripture called the lectionary is carried in procession into the sanctuary as we begin the service. This book of scripture is then placed upon the altar. The altar is a reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sin and so this is a fitting place for the book to rest and later be read from during the service of the word. After that reading the congregation rises to sing the Alleluia verse while the book is carried in a Gospel procession from the altar to the pulpit. There, with all standing in honor of our Lord, his words are announced to all who are gathered!

We are people of the book, living by the book day to day. We grow as we gather and feed on God’s good word to strengthen us all the way in this journey of daily faith. The Bible says, “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” God’s word is spiritual food and drink to his people. Let us then live by the book, delighting in his will, walking in his ways all to the glory of his holy name!

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