"For who is the greater, one who reclines at table orone who serves? Is it not the one who reclines attable? But I am among you as the one who serves."
-Luke 22:27
It is a time-honored and biblical tradition to gather for worship each week as our Lord serves us! This is the point of our worship. The very name “Divine service”bears this out. God serves us in his word as we gather in his name! In fact the very structure of the service of worship itself is the word of God. We might say that the service of worship is really “spoken scripture” from start to finish. Here there is scripture from the opening Invocation to the Consecration to the final Benediction.
God’s service to us begins with the opening blessing called the Invocation. This is where in faith we call upon God’s name as Jesus has revealed it, “Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Then there is the spoken scripture at the time of the Consecration.This meal is a privilege given us to share as his people and is outlined for us in scripture. Jesus says, “Do this as often as you drink it in my remembrance…” It is,“given and shed for you…” Jesus words are here spoken. They are blessing upon the food we are about to receive and are also a blessing to us as we remember and receive them in faith and thanksgiving. Here we share more than just a meal. We come in faith, hear again Jesus’ blessing and celebrate his presence!
Then there is the closing Benediction. We began the service calling upon his name.God concludes his service to us as his name is called upon us! “The Lord bless you and keep you!” Jesus once said, “I am among you as the one who serves.” We give thanks to him in faith as we gather for this service of his word, for here he is among us and still serves us with scripture!