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Our Schedule:

Wednesday Evening Worship: 7 PM 

  (check main page for cancellation announcements)

Saturday Evening Worship: 5 PM

Sunday Morning Worship: 10 AM

Sunday School: 9 AM 

Sunday Adult Study: 8:45 AM

Tuesday Adult Bible Study: 10 AM (call office to confirm)


From Rt. 15 North or South (Wilbur Cross Parkway)

Take the DOT garage exit (there is no exit number; it's between Exit 66 & 67), and turn right at the end of the exit ramp. At the first stop sign (a "T" intersection), take a left onto Paddock Avenue. St. John is on the corner of Paddock and East Road. Turn right onto East Road and pull into the parking lot at the back of the building.

From I-91 South

Take Exit 17 (East Main St.) and turn right at the end of the exit. At the first traffic light (you'll see a CVS on your left), turn left onto Paddock Avenue. St. John is 1 mile down on the corner of Paddock and East Road. Turn left onto East Road and pull into the parking lot at the back of the building.

From I-91 North

Take Exit 16 (East Main St.) and turn left at the end of the exit. You'll cross back over I-91 and go through one traffic light. At the next light (you'll see a CVS on your left), take a left onto Paddock Avenue. St. John is 1 mile down on the corner of Paddock and East Rd. Take a left onto East Road and pull into the parking lot at the back of the building.

Saint John Lutheran Church
and Preschool

520 Paddock Avenue 

Meriden, CT 06450

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To Contact the Church:

call  203-238-2331 or use the contact form to the right




To Email Directly:

Matthew Bartlett Office Manager

Pastor Scott MacDonald



To Contact the Preschool call: 203-630-3997

Marianne Mastriano, Director

or through our Facebook page:


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